As a commercial fleet manager or business owner, your daily focus is on two main areas – Efficiency and Risk Mitigation. Go Live MDVR vehicle camera systems help you meet both needs in a cutting-edge yet simple solution. So, install a Go Live system and you’ll see the following benefits:
Protect Your Fleet from Fraudulent and No-Fault Claims
Insurance fraud and ‘manufactured accidents’ are on the rise. Your insurance premiums will go up too. But they can be protected! Fitting multiple cameras to your vehicles will ensure that every moment, before, during and after an incident or accident, is captured and can be used to defend you against fraudulent or no-fault accidents. Not sure what configuration of system you need for your vehicles?
Download Video the Moment It Happens / Download Video of Incidents Remotely
With other systems you need to wait until the driver informs you that an accident has occurred, often quite some time after the fact, once they have calmed down. You must then wait until the vehicle returns to base before you can get the video footage. If the vehicle does not or cannot return to base, you must then find some other way to get access to the unit and download the video. With Go Live's MDVR’s solutions, you can setup alerts that will inform you, the moment an incident occurs and within minutes, or even seconds, you can be watching a replay of what occurred. Should you need to, you can then download the segment of video.
All before the driver has gathered their thoughts to call you!
More Than Just Video
How can you prove that your driver was indicating before turning or that they were not speeding, etc.? By connecting Go Live MDVR into your vehicle’s systems, we can record the additional data that shows what systems were active at the point of the incident and the specifics of the vehicle at that moment. MDVR will show that your driver was not speeding and did, in fact, have the indicators on before making the turn, which would conclusively clear you of any fault.
Track Your Vehicles
You may already have a tracking and/or telematics solution installed. If so, we can connect the Go Live's MDVR hardware into your existing solution to give additional reassurance and functionality. However, Go Live's MDVR provides advanced tracking functionality for fleet managers that have no need for telematics and would like a single, all-encompassing vehicle tracking and camera system.
Sleep Easy
You’ll rarely need to access the video data unless there’s a specific need or an incident occurs. But when you do need it, then you absolutely need to know that the system was operating perfectly and recorded every second of it. You can setup alerts that will tell you if the unit is not recording for any reason, allowing you to take remedial action immediately. Finally, we provide an opt-in advanced maintenance plan, that remotely assesses each unit in your fleet, ensuring all hardware is fully operational and that firmware and software is kept completely up-to-date.
You can therefore rest assured that when you need it, Go Live's MDVR will have captured it!
Receive Alerts Based On Your Requirements
Do you want to know the moment a possible issue occurs? Whether it be a high level of braking, speeding, alarm being triggered, a problem flagged by the onboard diagnostics or even the vehicle leaving an agreed geographical area, Go Live's MDVR can capture this data and send you an alert to allow you to take action, including calling the car in for maintenance or discussing driving behaviour with the current driver.
Protect From Theft
The Go Live MDVR system includes remote tracking capabilities combined with alerts as standard. This means that the fleet manager can set times of the day that the vehicles must be stationary or geographic areas that it must not exit. Should the vehicle move during that time, or exit the allowed area, he/she will receive an alert. This provides protection against theft or even misuse of the vehicles that can increase insurance risk.
Identify Vehicle Locations with Ease
If an incident occurs, you’ll want to know the exact location of the vehicle. Whether for assistance, recovery, theft or insurance purposes, very precise coordinates are critical. So at Go Live, our systems include the highest quality GPS technology that you can rely on.
Flexible Camera Configurations
Gathering evidence of any incidents or wrongdoing in the passenger compartment and proving that your drivers are professional and not at fault in the event of an accident can be as important as what is happening outside the vehicle. Go Live can install up to 8 cameras in any configuration in and around your vehicle. This can therefore include a driver-facing camera and 2 or more passenger compartment cameras to cover the front and rear of this space.